Friday, February 15, 2008

Fluency Ex#3

We know that students sometimes get stress from the TOEFL test. And sometimes it improves their scores and sometimes it make them worse. When I take the TOEFL test I feel very comfortable, and that makes my scores go up. But the problem is when we take the TOEFL exam and we start with it, we are going to get confused by some of the questions. After these confusing questions I have stress, then I'll have a big problem which is that I am going to think about these confusing questions and I'll lose a lot of time. So when I lose a lot of time I won't have time to read all the questions, and these problems make you get more stress. So all these things makes the scores worse. When I get the right answers I'll blow the stress away and I feel more comfortable to answer the other questions. Also when I feel comfortable I'll have a lot of time to use with the confusing questions, so that will make my scores go up.

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